Pet Obesity
Part 1 Today, we are exposed to the problem of human obesity on a daily basis. It is almost impossible to turn on the television, radio or open a newspaper or magazine without being inundated with some new weight loss supplement or diet plan.
Surgery and Anesthesia
Preanesthetic Testing for Pets Today, it is almost unheard of for any person, no matter how young, to have an anesthetic procedure without first having some tests in order to minimize the risk.
Laser Therapy
The Companion Therapy Laser System Part 1 The doctors and staff of the Kenosha Animal Hospital are proud to introduce the newest technology available for companion animals to our area.
Pet Loss and Human Emotion
Part 1 This article is dedicated to a very special pet, Angel, who recently passed away at the age of nearly twenty one. She lived over seventeen years with a wonderful couple, John and Arlene O'Connor.